Osama Bin Laden was killed May 2, 2011, in Abbatābad, Pakistan, where he lived for six years. Since then, more than 1,465 people have reviewed Bin Laden’s “Hideout Compound” on Google Maps1 rating the location between one and five stars. Average rating: 3.2 stars. Additionally, 397 individuals submitted written reviews, which are contained in this book.
1 “Osama Bin Laden’s Hideout Compound, Bilal Town Abbatābad, Historical Landmark,” https://plus.google. com/110846614650001805929/about?hl=en&gl=us

4,582 Stars, 2014
6.875 x 4.75 inches, 130 pages

4,582 Stars, 2014
6.875 x 4.75 inches, 130 pages